Today, in this blog, my goal is to outline strategies on how to heal and deal with post-pill acne. If you haven’t already, I would encourage you to read my blog on 3 common reasons why post-pill acne appears in the first place so you can grasp why these strategies outlined today are key to freeing yourself from acne after stopping OCPs.
The reappearance of acne with discontinuation of oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) can be quite a concern for those who were placed on OCPs for acne in the first place, or just simply desiring to come off of the pill. Whether you are ready to find your natural body’s menstrual rhythm, be free from other unwanted side effects of OCPs, or ready to try to conceive (TTC), I think we all have wanted a fresh face free from acne prone skin. Here are 4 ways to restore your skin— let’s dive in!
Maximize Your Nutrients:
Build meals dense in nutrients. A good rule of thumb is to include 2 servings of fruits and vegetables into breakfast, lunch and dinner.
As you acquire more comfort in building meals, consider trying to aim for a wide variety of plants and herbs. See if you can get 50 different varieties during a week! Yes, a green apple would be counted separately from a red apple, as each type has a unique nutrient makeup. And yes, using herbs can be counted as well!
Add in foods high in zinc—black beans, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkins seeds, chickpeas
Work with your Naturopathic Doctor to assess your current nutrient levels! This will help to pick a medical grade multivitamin that will fill in any nutrient deficiencies that you personally might be lacking. Every formulation is different and can be chosen to your needs and consumption style (powder, liquids, capsules).
Build and Maintain a healthy gut:
Fermented foods are your friends. Literally. Wonder where you naturally get a healthy array of beneficial gut bacteria that work with you? You got it. Fermented foods! You may not have been given the tools on how to prepare fermented foods, but if you had been born generations ago this would have been passed, naturally. Start by picking out high quality brands such as Rowdy Mermaid, Fermenting Fairies, Wildbrine, and more. Even better, learn how to ferment yourself. Head on over to our friends Toxy Free where they have created an entire class on how to ferment and can help you find the tools to get started. If you haven’t met the owners, it is a must! Laura and Behzad are truly genuine people.
Working to adjust your taste preference for fermented foods? Just starting your fermented journey? Adding in a well-formulated medical grade probiotic can be just the adjunct support you may need until you become a master of fermented foods. Your Naturopathic Doctor is well versed in appropriate strains, and even testing to determine what your body is needing repopulated in.
Fiber, fiber, fiber! Fiber is the food source that helps your gut friendly bacteria thrive! Your microbes feed on fiber to help create short chain fatty acids (SCFA) that are important in creating a hospitable environment for them to live. Fiber also plays a crucial role in keeping balanced blood sugar, better bowel movements, and keying in on the last phase of clearance for estrogen.
Ditch the dairy. Dairy can be a skin irritant as the lactose can be poorly broken down by the intestinal lining, further exacerbating imbalances in the gut microbiome. You also have to be careful as dairy is often mass produced and can be laden with exogenous hormones.
Balance Blood Sugar:
Focus on balanced blood sugar: a diet high in sugar leads to insulin insensitivity, causing the pancreas to work twice as hard to overproduce insulin to mop up excess sugar. The combo of high sugar and high insulin is a terrible culprit in over producing testosterone production, and simultaneously lowering sex hormone binding globulin, SHBG. Think of deep, painful cystic acne on the chin, jawline, and back.
Support hormone balance:
The recommended time to evaluate sex hormone balance comes after 3 months of being off of hormonal birth control, if needed. Testing sex hormone production and clearance can help us to utilize diet, lifestyle, nutrient, and herbals, where necessary, to support healthy balance and clearance of your hormones. We aim for proper progesterone production in the luteal phase of a cycle, as well as good estrogen clearance and stable testosterone levels throughout all phases.
How long can it take? Every individual has an unique journey with acne, and it can vary in time, but from my clinical experience and expertise in treating acne, those who are actively working to heal can find positive improvements starting within 4-6 months after stopping oral contraceptive pills.
Looking for support? Book your first appointment online today.